
[來源:www.kmdpfzbhw.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:18-10-09] [瀏覽次數:]

一、保持網頁的樸素 A, keep simple web pages     一個好的網站最重要的一點就是界面的簡單、樸素。你聽說過“KISS”法則嗎?“Keep It Simple Silly.”適用于所有的站點。 A good web site of the most important thing is that the interface is simple and plain. Have you ever heard of "KISS" law? "Keep It Simple Silly." applies to all sites.     制作者們很容易掉入這樣一個陷阱,即把所有可能用到的網頁技巧,例如:框架、表格、字體、GIF動畫等等都用上,這當然是好的,但如果多了的話就會讓你的訪問者眼花繚亂,不知所措,也不會給他們留下很深的印象。 Makers are easy to fall into such a trap, that is all can use web skills, such as: framework, tables, fonts, using the GIF animation and so on, this of course is good, but if more dazzling, let your visitors at a loss, also won't leave a deep impression on them.     記住,只是因為你可以創建一個效果,但并不意味著你必須創建這個效果。先問一問你自己:我在網頁上加入這個技術有什么價值?是否能更好的向訪問者表達我的主題? Remember, just because you can create a effect, but that doesn't mean you have to create this effect. First ask yourself: I what is the value on a web page to join this technology? If they can better to show visitors to my topic?   二、簡單并不等于乏味 Second, the simple is not equal to boring     簡單的真正含義并不是遲鈍和乏味。許多人會被網站多余的奇特效果所迷惑,而忽視了信息的有效性。 The real meaning of the simple is not dull and boring. Many people will be fooled by site redundant strange effect, and ignore the validity of the information.     保持簡單的真正含義就是:想一想如何使自己網站的信息與你的訪問者所期待和所需要的一樣。應該把技術和效果用在適當的地方,用在有效信息上,讓訪問者關注他們想關注的東西。  Is the true meaning of "keep it simple: think about how to make your website information with your visitors expected and needed. Should use a technology and effect in the proper place, use on the effective information, let visitors to focus on the things they want to focus on.       清晰的設計+有效的技術=一個好的站點 Clear design + effective technical = a good site   三、了解你的讀者 Three, understanding your reader      你不是在真空里制作你的網頁,也不是作給你自己看的。如果是這樣,你還不如把它放在自己的電腦里。你發布你的網站是希望某些人停下來參觀它。而這些人就是你的讀者。 You are not in a vacuum to make your web pages, is not to see for yourself. If so, you might as well put it on your own computer. You release your website is hope some people stopped to visit it. Who is your readers.     你越了解你的讀者,你的網站影響力就會越大。你的讀者是否有個慢貓?那你最好應當特別的注意網頁的大小;他們希望聽到音樂片斷嗎?你就要想想網頁上的音樂格式。你的讀者是紡織工人?那么血紅色和黑色最好不要選擇;或者他們是骨灰級游戲玩家?你就要避免用柔和的顏色和圖案了。 The more you know your readers, your site will be the greater influence. Your readers to see if there is a slow cats? You better should be special attention to page size; They want to hear music clips? You have to think about music on the web page format. Your reader is a textile worker? Then the blood red and black had better not choose; Or hardcore gamers are they? You have to avoid a softer colors and designs.   一個好站點的定義:通過典雅的風格設計提供給潛在讀者高質量的信息。 The definition of a good site: the elegant style of design of high quality information provided to potential readers.   四、五個“手指” Four or five "fingers"   對一個好的網站來說,清晰的導航也是最起碼的標準。應該讓訪問者知道自己當時在網站中的位置,并且愉快的通過你的指引而遍覽你的網站。例如,你可以做到的一件事情就是:“下一步”的選擇數目盡量少,以便人們不會迷失在長長的選擇項目列表中。 For a good site, clear navigation and minimum standards. Should let visitors know their place in the web site at the time, and happy through your guidance and read your website. For example, one thing you can do is: "next" to choose the number less as far as possible, so that people won't get lost in the long select the project list.   你知道嗎?一般人的大腦把五個或更少的項目看作一組,但是當所面對的項目超過五個,它就必須把他們劃分成較小的次組來處理,所以說,保持你的選擇項歸類在五組或五組以內就變得很有意義了。你的訪問者能夠快速的找到自己想選擇的項目。 Do you know? General human brain to five or fewer projects as a group, but when faced by project more than five, it must put them into smaller groups to deal with, so keep your option classified in groups of five or fewer than five group becomes very meaningful. Your visitors can quickly find themselves want to choose the project.   五、三次點擊 Five, three clicks     對網站制作者來說,訪問者就是上帝,討好上帝的另一個方法就是讓他們在獲取信息時不要超過三次點擊。想想,當你在訪問一個網站時,點擊。。。點擊。。。點擊。。。再點擊。。。再。。。才找到你想要的信息,或者還沒找到,你會怎么想呢? For creators, the visitor is our god, to please god another method is to make them not more than three clicks when access to information. Think about it, when you are on a visit to a web site, click on the... Click on the... Click on the... Click again... Again... To find the information you want, or haven't found, what will you think of that?     加之,當你的訪問者深入網站查找需要的信息最后卻摸不著頭腦了,會怎么辦?他們肯定不會原地兜圈,他們會離開你的主頁去別的地方繼續沖浪,可能也就再也不會回來了。 In addition, when you are inside the site visitors find the needed information only scratching their heads, do? They won't back hours, they will leave your home page to go somewhere else to continue surfing, may never come back again.
