
[來源:www.kmdpfzbhw.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-12-28] [瀏覽次數:]

網站類型的分類 Classification of site types 根據企業(yè)網站建設的需求,可選擇企業(yè)網站、電子商務網站、地方門戶網站、行業(yè)資訊網站等幾大類,: According to the demand of enterprise website construction, you can choose enterprise website, e-commerce site, local portal, industry information website, etc. (1)企業(yè)網站類型:企業(yè)網站是企業(yè)在互聯網上進行網絡營銷和形象宣傳的平臺,相當于企業(yè)的網絡名片,不但對企業(yè)的形象是一個良好的宣傳,同時可以輔助企業(yè)的銷售,通過網絡直接幫助企業(yè)實現產品的銷售,企業(yè)可以利用網站進行宣傳、產品資訊發(fā)布、招聘等。企業(yè)網站根據需求一般可選擇模板建站、源碼建站、仿站、定制開發(fā)等方式實現。 Site types: (1) the enterprise web site is on the Internet for online marketing and enterprise image promotion platform, the equivalent of the enterprise network card, not only to the enterprise image is a good publicity, and can assist enterprise sales at the same time, through the network directly help enterprises to achieve product sales, the enterprise can take advantage of the web site for publicity, product information release, recruitment, etc. The enterprise web site can be implemented according to the requirements, such as the template construction station, source code establishment, copy station, custom development and so on. (2)電子商務網站類型:主要是面向供應商、客戶或者企業(yè)產品(服務)的消費群體,以服務和交易為主,通俗的來講,電子商務網站就是有人賣東西,有人買東西的網站。 (2) e-commerce site types: mainly for suppliers, clients or consumer groups, enterprise product (service) is given priority to with service and trading, popular speaking, e-commerce is someone sell things, someone shopping website. 電子商務網站又分為B2B、B2C、C2C等類型,企業(yè)網站建設可根據需求選擇源碼建站、定制開發(fā)等方式來實現,價格上也會有較大的差異化。 E-commerce sites is divided into B2B, B2C, C2C and other types, enterprise website construction can choose source site according to requirements, custom development and other ways, also can have greater differentiation on the price. (3)地方門戶網站:主要是提供搜索引擎服務、新聞資訊、郵件服務、博客、熱門資訊、娛樂新聞等綜合性的內容。一般搭建此類網站需要企業(yè)獲得互聯網新聞信息服務許可。 (3) local portal: mainly provide search engine services, news and information, mail services, hot news, entertainment news, blogs, etc. The content of the comprehensive. Building such sites typically requires companies to obtain Internet news service licenses.
