
[來源:www.kmdpfzbhw.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-09-21] [瀏覽次數:]

First, keep the web simple
一個好的網站最重要的一點就是界面的簡單、樸素。你聽說過“KISS”法則嗎?“Keep It Simple Silly.”適用于所有的站點。
The most important thing about a good website is the simplicity and simplicity of the interface. Have you ever heard of the "KISS" rule? "Keep It Simple Silly." applies to all sites.
Producers are very easy to fall into a trap, that all may use web skills, such as: frames, tables, fonts, GIF animation and so on are used, which of course is good, but if many words will let your visitors confused, will not be at a loss what to do, they leave a deep impression.
Remember, just because you can create an effect, it doesn't mean you have to create this effect. Ask yourself first: what's the value of adding this technology to my web page? Is it better to express my theme to visitors?
Two, simplicity is not boring
The simple real meaning is not dull and dull. Many people are fooled by the extra bizarre effects of the web, ignoring the effectiveness of the information.
The simple thing to do is to think about how to make your website's information the same as what your visitors expect and need. The technology and effects should be used in the right place for effective information and for visitors to pay attention to what they want to focus on.
Clear design + effective technology = a good site
Three, know your readers
You don't make your web pages in the vacuum, or do it yourself. If so, you might as well put it on your own computer. You publish your web site in the hope that some people will stop and visit it. And these people are your readers.
The more you know your readers, the more influence your website will have. Does your reader have a slow cat? Well, you'd better pay special attention to the size of the page; do they want to hear music clips? You have to think about the music format on the web page. Are your readers textile workers? Then blood red and black is best not to choose; or are they hardcore gamers? You should avoid soft colors and patterns.
A good site definition: designed to provide high quality information to potential readers through elegant style design.
Four or five fingers"
For a good website, a clear navigation is also the minimum standard. You should let visitors know where you were on the site and happily guide your site through your instructions. One thing you can do, for example, is: "next," the number of options is as small as possible so that people won't get lost in the list of long selection items.
You know? The general human brain to five or less of the project as a group, but when faced with more than five projects, it must take them to deal with, divided into smaller groups so that keep your options are classified in five groups or five groups within it becomes very meaningful the. Your visitors can quickly find the items they want to choose.
Five and three hits
For web creators, visitors are God and another way to please God is to let them not get more than three hits when they're getting information. Think about when you're visiting a website and clicking on it... Click... Click... Click again... Again... Before you find the information you want, or haven't found it, what do you think?
Plus, what happens when your visitors go deep into the website and find the information they need, but at the end they don't know what to do? They certainly won't go anywhere, they'll leave your home page, go somewhere else to surf, and probably won't come back again.
六、 三十秒的等待時間
Six, thirty seconds wait time
When a visitor enters your site, he should be able to find the information he needs without difficulty. There is an unwritten rule: don't let the page that he sees now download more than 30 seconds before the visitor decides where to go next. If you exceed this time, you will begin to lose your god.
Make sure your pages have a moderate size without unlimited downloads. If most of your visitors use Modem, try to keep the total page size (including page images) at 45K.
Make sure your page layout is clear, so that visitors can navigate your web site with just a quick glance and know your next step.
Seven, balance
Balance is an important part of a good website design.
The balance between text and images. Unless the content determines that this is a full text or full image site, you need to be intuitive and aesthetic so that one of them won't overwhelm another.
The balance between download time and page content. Of course, you want to have a nice page, but you have to balance your page content, because many of your visitors are reading it through modem. Is your website really worth the wait for so long?
The balance between the background and the foreground. We can draw beautiful patterns on white paper. It's exciting to make a beautiful structure and background on the web page. But it's easy to drown your content in your background.
Eight, moderate frames
A moderate frame is a good addition to your web page, but as with all elements of a web site, you should never abuse them!
If you want to create a navigation structure that you can see
