1、公司簡介,總載致辭,企業文化,員工活動,員工培訓等欄目資料。 The company profile, the general load speech, the enterprise culture, the staff activity, the staff training and so on the column data. 2、需放在網上的聯系方式,在線聯系QQ。 Need to put the contact information on the Internet, contact QQ online. 3、公司產品資料及及產品介紹資料。 Company product information and product introduction. 4、相關公司廣告圖片,主要提供給美工設計使用。 4, related company advertising pictures, mainly for the design and use of American workers. 5、公司logo。 Company logo. 6、公司相關活動,推廣,折扣,促銷活動資料及圖片。 Company activities, promotion, discount, promotional materials and pictures. 7、公司售后服務等資料。 Information such as after-sales service of company. 8、公司廣告標語,主打品牌標識,品牌介紹。 Company advertising slogan, main brand logo, brand introduction. 9、重點推廣產品資料、產品特點,產品優勢及相關廣告廣告圖片,公司業務相關關鍵詞。 Focus on product information, product characteristics, product advantage and relevant advertising and advertising images, relevant keywords of the company's business. 10、公司榮譽資質,成功案列資料。 The company honorary qualification, the successful case column data. 11、公司相關媒體視頻/音頻宣傳資料。 Company related media video/audio publicity materials. 12、公司新聞信息資料。 Company news information.