
[來源:www.kmdpfzbhw.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-02-09] [瀏覽次數:]
站點結構 Site structure   網站結構建議采用樹形結構,樹形結構通常分為首頁-頻道-文章頁三個層次,理想的網站結構應該是更扁平一些,從首頁到內容頁的層次要盡量少,這樣搜索引擎處理起來會更簡單。 Site structure recommended tree structure, tree structure is usually divided into three levels - channel - the article page, home page ideal site structure should be more flat, from page to page content level must as far as possible, so that the search engine to handle will be more simple.   對于移動網站來說,首頁要有重要欄目的導航,也要盡量多給詳情頁和重要流量承載頁面入口,首頁布局不能做得太簡短,頁面內容不能過于單一。 For mobile web site, have the important on the homepage of navigation, also want to give as much as possible and important traffic loading page entry details page, page layout can't be too short, cannot too single page content.   五、URL結構 Five, the structure of the URL   具有良好描述性、規范、簡單的URL,有利于用戶更加方便地記憶和直觀地判斷網頁內容,也有利于搜索引擎更加有效地抓取和理解網頁。對于移動網站來說,也需要對URL進行靜態化,不要包含過多的參數和符號,避免使用中文URL,因為后期會嚴重影響到適配 Good descriptive, standard, simple URL, memory is helpful for users to more easily and intuitively judge web content, and conducive to search engines more effectively grasping and understanding the web. For mobile web site, also need to static URL, don't contain too much parameters and symbols, and avoid using Chinese URL, because later will seriously affect the adapter   六、PC站與移動站適配 Six, PC station and mobile station adapter   站點適配主要是通過在網站的meta中添加一段代碼,更加準確地讓百度搜索引擎明白PC站點與移動站點的對應關系,有助于百度在移動搜索中將原PC頁結果替換為對應的移動頁結果。 Site adaptation mainly through a piece of code is added in the web site of the meta, more accurate to understand the PC site baidu search engine, the corresponding relationship between mobile site to baidu in mobile search results page to replace the original PC to the corresponding mobile page results.   七、網站被動抓取: Seven passive fetching, website:   移動網站制作完成之后,要詳細檢查各種可能影響蜘蛛爬取的各種因素,例如robots文件,頁面中的死鏈接等。 Mobile web site production is completed, check in detail all kinds of factors which may affect the spider crawl, robots files, for example, dead links in a web page, etc.   八、其他內容 Eight, and other content 1、Title后綴設置 1, the Title suffix Settings   在移動網站的Title中最好能夠添加手機版、觸屏版、移動版等字樣,便于用戶區別。 In mobile web site in the Title of best to add the mobile version, touch-screen version, mobile, etc, making it easy for users to distinguish. 2、不要在移動網站和PC站相互放置過多的鏈接 2, don't stand each other in the mobile web sites and PC placed too many links   在移動網站的頁面不要放置超過兩個以上的PC站點鏈接,在PC站點不要放置超過兩個以上的移動網站鏈接地址。這個問題是很多網站優化者容易忽略的問題,在此提醒站長一定要注意。 In mobile web site page don't put more than two PC link to the site, in the PC site don't put more than two or more mobile web site links. This problem is a lot of website optimization is easy to overlook the problem, in this remind you must be aware of webmaster. 3、通過在網頁中添加自己地理位置信息標簽,讓目標用戶能夠在移動搜索中更快地找到你的網站內容。 3, by their geographic location information is added in the web label, let target users can more quickly in the mobile search to find your site's content.
