
[來源:www.kmdpfzbhw.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-01-24] [瀏覽次數:]
一、域名的管理權限 A, the management and authority of the domain name 域名:就是企業的互聯網名字,不管是com\cn等等后綴。都只是一個名字而已。域名需要每年都要給域名服務商續費才能一直使用的,域名的重要性說起來也很重要的,如果你的域名一次性買了十年,中間也一直沒有出現改版,可十年后到了續費的時候,你卻聯系不上了給你做網站的人,怎么辦啊?如果當時買域名的時候,注冊的是你的企業名字還好說,如果是個人的名義注冊的呢?你就只能看著到期關閉了。所以說企業建設網站注冊域名的時候一定要注意這點,郵箱或手機一定要有一個是企業自己的,方便隨時可以找回密碼。把管理權限拽在自己的手上。 Domain name: is the Internet enterprise name, whether it's com \ cn, and so on suffix. Is just a name. Domain name to domain name service provider renewal every year is needed to have been used, the importance of the domain name is also very important, if you bought a domain name once a decade, middle also there has been no revision, but ten years later when the renewal, can not contact you but give you a website, how to do? If it had to buy domain name, registered in the company name also to say, if is a registered in the name of the person? You can only look at due to shut down. So construction site registered domain name when it is important to note that, E-mail or cell phone must have a is the enterprise own, convenient to retrieve password at any time. Drag administration authority in their hands. 二、服務器的管理權限 Second, the server's administrative authority 服務器的管理權限一般企業都不會重視,因為他們認為給自己,自己也不懂啊,什么配置環境啊,放程序啊,不專業也不會操作啊。這個服務器或空間的管理權限,企業要不要不是很重要的,不過FTP的賬號密碼一定要知道,并要時不時的上去備份數據。只要知道FTP的賬號密碼和域名的管理權限,以后就是找不到或者和網站建設公司鬧矛盾了,只要換個建站公司服務,網站是可以正常運行的。不受任何影響的。 Server won't attach importance to the administrative authority of general enterprises, because they think to yourself, oneself also don't understand, what configuration environment, put the program, not professional will not operate. This server or space administrative authority, the enterprise or if it weren't for a very important, but the FTP account password must know, and is going to backup data from time to time. As long as know the FTP account password, and domain name management authority, after just can't find or make antinomy and website construction company, as long as change the site service, web site can be normal operation. Without any influence.
